Saturday, February 13, 2010

Remodeling Stairs What's A Good Quote Or Phrase To Have Stenciled On Our Entry Wall?

What's a good quote or phrase to have stenciled on our entry wall? - remodeling stairs

Our family has begun reconstruction of the house. Our stairs are curved, and my mother wants to offer some kind of engraved or phrase on the wall behind the stairs. You may need to be demolished and moved, so that fits perfectly with the scale. Something like: Live, Laugh often and much love. Warm and familiar Something like that. We are looking for something that is inspiring, or in connection with family or something. Ideas?


  1. Anyone can quit smoking is the easiest thing in the world to do. But stick together, if all would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

    Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Doing the right thing because it is right. Those are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.

    Only as high as I can grow, how I can only as deep as I look to try, I can see what I dream I can be.

    Remember that today, as it is the beginning of always. Today marks the beginning of a happy future and track all your dreams can hold. Really think ahead and realize these dreams.

    People can come into your life and people ... You have to trust in this lifea start for you.

    Laugh often
    Grand Dream
    Reach for the stars!

    Live your life and the risk that all
    Take some risks in the fall
    Take your time, no need to rush
    Have fun without worrying

    If you ever get the feeling that you want to
    think about all these things that make you smile
    & & Live for these things. =)

    Dance like nobody's watching
    Love like you never hurt,
    Sing like nobody's listening
    Live is also a paradise on earth.

    Time is money
    and Slipping Away
    cherish every moment
    every day

    You need to take the worst to get better

    Here is a page I call a good pair of mag. You cansee there.

  2. "We do not choose your family. You are a gift from God for you because they are for them." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

    "Love is complicated, family, commitment and a boring and repetitive pattern, like bad wallpaper. - Friedrich Nietzsche

    Treat "your family like friends and friends like family." - Proverb

    "A big part of it is the friendship over the years ... We became friends. We were a family." - Barbara Moore

    "Other things may change, but it begins and ends with the family" - Anthony Brandt

  3. One point that we are each other with a smile, it is difficult to smile. Smiling at each other to make time for each member of your family.
    Mother Teresa in her Nobel Lecture
    Indian (Albanian-born) humanitarian and missionary (1910 to 1997)

  4. Right Wing ExtremistFebruary 14, 2010 at 5:00 PM

    Protected by Smith & Wesson

  5. How about the old Burma Shave with a joke?
